Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Drugs

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About Journal

About :Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Drugs is electronic based, open access and peer-reviewed journal. The journal highly prefers its publications to correlate practice of pharmacy with novel research on the education and development of the pharmacy workforce and the impact of health policy and pharmaceutical drugs applications in society. Rendering to emancipation of innovations on research trials and surveys of new drugs and novel therapeutic approaches, pharmacotherapy reviews and controversies, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, drug administration, adverse drug events, medication safety, pharmacy education, and other pharmacy practice topics are subjects dealt with publications.

Aim and Scope : Aiming at valuable dedication to a pharmacy practice theme such as medication therapy management or drug-induced diseases on pharmaceutical drugs applications are emphasized to be focused in journal’s publication. Disseminating research perspective, the journal welcomes all practicing pharmacists and healthcare professionals, academic researchers and scientists to publish their experimental and practical information on new findings so that the results can be reproduced, discussed and openly published for more validation. Controversial topics of interest on drugs applications are also published relating to uplift pharmacy research however abiding to ethics follow and service to society with policies approval in accordance to government norms are included as publications in certain conditions.