Journal of Gerontology, Geriatric Care and Research

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About Journal

About : Journal of Gerontology, Geriatric Care and Research an open access, peer-reviewed and scholarly electronic journal. Creating awareness on quality of life of older persons and applicability to the healthcare research is sole publication ideology of journal. The journal tends emancipate the latest updates on geriatrics advancement by discussions, information, and ideas world-wide.

Aim and Scope : Expanding its comprehensive coverage through manuscripts submission it welcomes all subdisciplines of gerontology, geriatric care and research. Especially the subjects entertained in its publication ideally includes in caregiving, exercise, death and dying, physical activity, ethnicity and aging, technology and care, advanced directives, housing, long-term services and support, mental health, retirement planning, sexuality, volunteering to disseminate more on aging theme. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for original research papers, reviews, clinical case reports, short communication, and commentaries on the most relevant areas pertaining to aging.